TikTok 2021 Health Trends To Avoid

Something I just need to say out loud: I recently considered putting garlic in my nose because TikTok told me it clears the congestion. And yes, it’s getting worse.… I’m a health journalist and I literally just wrote a book about this stuff (um, It’s Probably Nothing: The Stress-Free Guide to Dealing with Health Anxiety, Wellness Fads, and Oversized Headlines is out now).

I blame HealthTok, the wellness influencers, and the occasional rogue doctor, who all make ~ natural ~ remedies seem so alluring, almost obvious. I mean, why wouldn’t anyone want to try a simpler, “cleaner” treatment instead of going through our really efficient health care system only to be fired by doctors or end up with an annoying prescription drug bill? The problem, however, isn’t just that a lot of wellness fads are a waste of time and money – it’s that they can often keep you away from evidence-based help (drugs, vaccines). , a real exam with a real doc) or even make you sick.

So the next time you scroll down and stop to think, Why, yes, I would want to stop feeling gassy and bloated – here take my money! refer to these ob-gyn tips first Shieva Ghofrany, MD, and gynecologist and family planning specialist Stacy De-Lin, MD.

Beware of noisy outliers

If someone tells you to trust them and their #sponcon over the vast majority of experts (licensed, board certified), question them. Especially if their “cure” turns out to be expensive and available only at home.

Ask, “But … like … how?” “

Let’s say you get an Instagram ad for a probiotic that claims to help you never get sick. Cool. Now start digging. Your goal: to find out if its active ingredients (see those on the label) do what they claim. Head to PubMed and / or Google Scholar, which host the legitimate studies you need to get answers. Pop one of these active ingredients, as in this case, Lactobacillus acidophilus, in the search bar with one of the claims, such as immunity. If you can’t find anything that you’re investigating, well, that speaks for itself. If not, make sure any study you find (1) involved people, not animals or cells in a petri dish, (2) looked at a large and diverse group of people (not just 10 guys) and ( 3) was occurring in the last decade. Otherwise, the results may not apply to your body.

In addition, any research whose title contains “meta-analysis” or “systematic review” is a very solid source, as this type of project analyzes almost all existing studies on a given topic.

Find out more from the big leagues

When faced with an uncertain wellness craze, consult organizations and individuals specializing in that part of the body or that bodily function. So if you’re curious about supplements for raging PMS, see what the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has to say on their site. An even better option is to contact a primary care provider (or gynecologist, dermatologist, dietitian, whoever it is) you trust.

If in doubt, contact a doctor you trust to break it down.

If that’s not their area of ​​expertise, they can always share what they’ve heard or at least point you to someone or something who can tell you more about it. Plus, they already know what’s going on with your body, so their advice will be much more personalized than what you see on the internet.

Know that “natural” does not mean anything

Fun fact: anyone can use this term at any time to sell anything because it is unregulated. Likewise, just because you don’t need an Rx for raw garlic doesn’t mean that sticking it in your nose is safe (see: nasal passages now inflamed, causing more congestion). So before you say, “Hey, that can’t hurt,” remember it literally can.

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Maria J. Book